Tata Infotech
Tata Infotech
Offshore Development
Case Studies

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Offshore Development Center (ODC) Experience

Tata Infotech established its first ODC in 1988 for a premier French Bank. A 50-member team was deployed at this offshore facility to help the bank meet its IT requirements such as software development, maintenance, support and implementation. As part of this global delivery, Tata Infotech also deployed customized versions of key applications of the bank at various sites across the globe.

Today, Tata Infotech has more than 10 ODCs, catering to Fortune 500 clients in business domains such as banking, retail, manufacturing, telecommunications, and information technology.

The ODCs have generated around 40 per cent of cost savings for the customer.

Select ODC customers include:

  • One of the largest food retailers in the US
  • A diversified financial services company in the US
  • A large global IT manufacturing company
  • A leading provider of Warehouse Management Software (WMS) solutions
  • A US company marketing wireless drive test tools
  • A UK-based product company providing solutions to helpdesks and call centers

Here's a sampling of select offshore projects:

  • Development of the environment and migration strategy for a large US-based railroad company
  • Conversion from proprietary environment to open systems environment for a national department of environment and natural resources
  • Maintenance and enhancement of the website for the world's leading provider of online encyclopediae
  • Customization and implementation of manufacturing applications for a large US-based steel company
  • Intranet solutions for a leading travel consolidator in the UK
  • Integrated systems or a premier US-based magazine distribution company
  • Development of a web-based Budget Information System (BIS) for an international governing organization