Tata Infotech
Tata Infotech
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Application Reengineering

Enterprise software applications need to be reshaped, redefined, and reintegrated to meet changing business needs. The crucial decision needs to consider

  • Continued maintenance and its associated costs
  • Modernization
  • Redevelopment

Tata Infotech over the years has arrived at a proven and cost-effective methodology for reengineering legacy systems to current technologies/platforms. The migration path takes into account the business drivers, investments, adaptability and implementation timelines. The methodology paths, include the following types:

User Interface Modernization - This involves the least cost and effort approach, with minimal changes required for architectural migration. This involves wrapping old text-based interfaces with new GUI based screens.

Application Logic Modernization

  • Integration - The new GUI communicates with the existing core business logic or data of the legacy system
  • Wrapping - The existing application logic is converted into components. The existing code is retained in the native environment.

Redevelopment - This is a radical approach to move to the end state in an aggressive manner by rewriting the application in the native n-tier environment based on a combination of forward and reverse engineering processes.

  • Strategy for Reengineering
  • IS Security Consultancy / Audit
  • Application Reengineering
  • Application Support